Not exactly conclusive, but seems like the 'E' order-of-magnitude notation makes sense to ChatGPT:
The JF-compound is a 3D object that looks like a 'J' from one angle and an 'F' from another. Because of this it has no symmetries and can be used to unambiguously illustrate 3D transformations.
"If you don’t design a point of failure into your system one will be assigned to it" -
Wow, you don't often see people using units of begabibilitres
Ken Thompson on C++
If there's one thing I've learned about debugging/troubleshooting computers, it's that when they're not making sense at you, you gotta not make sense right back at them. It's the only way they'll learn.
[](World Countries McDonalds per Metal Band Index)
If it was worth saying, yet is wrong, then it is worth saying it was wrong.
If I described myself in one word it'd probably be 'reductive'
Note to self: 3-in-1 oil is not interchangeable with 3-in-1 shampoo
I want to play a bullet-hell game but where I am the bullets.
There's nothing quite like the kid behind you asking for a high-five for putting a smile on your face.
Webmention test: